Blocked up like a bank holiday motorway? Devoid of any writing ideas? Here’s my Five Step Short Story Idea Generating Process (TM pending).
- Take a blank sheet of paper and make a random list of characters and their objectives. For example: A man who desperately needs £100,000 within a week; a woman who must get her head unstuck from some railings; a man who wants to be young again; a girl who wants to buy a second-hand caravan.
- Make a random list of scenarios: The world will certainly end next Thursday; walking is made illegal; all the bees die; dogs rule the world.
- Make a list of interesting words: Treachery, lust, envy, arrogance, porridge, goats, pasta, secrets.
- Quickly jot down sentences and ideas that take something from at least two of the lists. Such as:
- A man needs £100,000 to deceive a goat
- A woman trying to annoy a goat gets her head stuck in some railings
- Arrogance kills all of the bees
- Dogs rule through treachery
- Porridge is the secret of youth
- Over-consumption of pasta will lead the word to oblivion next Tuesday
Choose one and get writing. Easy.